Hi cpedley,
We have a few exciting things going on this month. Not only are we hosting a Halloween Pumpkin Carving Contest, but we're re-launching our eHow Category Emails with a new look and feel very soon. Category emails allow you to subscribe to newsletters that are specifically catered to your topic of interest. With 24 different topics to choose from, you can start getting your personalized dose of eHow knowledge delivered to your inbox once a week. Look out for the new category emails this month.
Halloween Contest Bonanza!
Speaking of Halloween, are you the ultimate pumpkin carver? This month we are on a quest to find the most creative jack-o-lantern created by our members. If you think you have one to show off, share your pumpkin carving story through text and photos with an eHow "I Did This." If we pick your pumpkin, you'll win an iPod Nano.
To enter, please do the following:
Go to this How To article: http://www.ehow.com/how_3983_carve-pumpkin.html
Click on the "I Did This" button
Submit your pumpkin carving experience through text and photos, and don't forget to include an image of the template of your pumpkin design as one of your photos, so others can use it to carve their pumpkins.
The contest starts on 10/20/2009 at 12:01 AM Pacific Time and ends on November 7, 2009 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time. One entry per person. Winner will be notified by e-mail on or about November 16, 2009.
For more info on this contest, please click here.
Good luck and happy carving!
The eHow Team