Hi cpedley,
We have some exciting news to share about eHow.com. Beginning in February 2011, Facebook Login will be the exclusive means for login to the site. You’ll be able to use your new or existing Facebook username and password to connect with the eHow community. We’ll also be removing eHow member profiles to help you streamline friend lists and eliminate the work of managing multiple online accounts. Additionally, we’ll be closing forums on the site. We want to hear from you directly, so moving forward, we encourage you to communicate us through the “Contact Us” section of eHow.com.
We’re excited to introduce these updates! Get started and click on the Facebook Connect button in the upper right corner of the home page to login. We want to keep in touch, so also remember to Fan Us.
How does this impact you?
In February, your current eHow profile will be taken down. If there are items in your current profile that are important to you (e.g., favorites and playlists), bookmark them so you can retrieve them in the future. Also, if you have friends on eHow.com that you’re not connected to on Facebook, be sure to add them on Facebook so you can keep them in your trusted network of friends.
Next Steps:
• Go to eHow.com now and link your current eHow account to your Facebook account, using the Facebook Connect button in the upper right corner of the site.
• In the coming days, if you wish to preserve information from your profile -- bookmark favorites, videos or playlists. Be sure anyone in your current eHow friends list is also on Facebook, so you can stay connected.
• For additional information, please visit the FAQ , submit questions here, or Fan Us.
Thank you for taking time to read this message. Contact us with any questions or comments, we always want to hear from you and are here to help.
Thank you,
The eHow Team